The perfect alternative to the usual seaside hotel in Trapani
On the sea of Trapani, surrounded by natural and architectural wonders, we find the perfect alternative to a hotel in Trapani, the La Gancia Tourist Hotel Residence, which perpetuates the glorious tradition of Sicilian hospitality.
Many services
We have selected the best services to make your holiday comfortable and above all stress-free. At your disposal you will find both convenient free services and perfect extra services on request to complete your holiday in Trapani.
If you are looking for the best alternative to the usual Hotel in Trapani, the La Gancia Residence Trapani is the perfect solution. Suites and apartments with sea view.
On the sea of Trapani, surrounded by natural and architectural wonders, we find the perfect alternative to a hotel in Trapani, the La Gancia Tourist Hotel Residence, which perpetuates the glorious tradition of Sicilian hospitality.
Its brilliant restoration from an old lodging for foreigners has resulted in an elegant and charming residence with exclusive guest services.
La Gancia, with its design, values and services, is a true hymn to beauty and hospitality. Each of our guests feels right at home.
Enriched by refined furnishing solutions, the interior spaces envelop the guest in an exclusive and inebriating atmosphere, capable of leaving wonderful memories. The rooms are equipped with the most modern comforts, and each one is characterised by a particular architectural detail, such as a peculiar view of the sea or the reflection of Sicilian majolica tiles.
It is impossible to describe the harmony of the outdoor spaces: the solarium and the roof garden, splendidly located on a terrace overlooking the ancient city with its gulf, as far as the eye can see, into the curved horizon of an enchanting sea.
By staying at La Gancia Residence you will experience a carefree holiday.
We are waiting for you to collect memories together.